News – Page 27 of 51 – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


16 September 2019
On оctober 1 to 4 during The 6th International Specialised Exhibition GAS ENGINE FUEL, the company will present a new nitrogen pla...
15 September 2019
On October 2, one of the key events of the Forum’s business program will take place – the panel discussion Russia-Afri...
14 September 2019
On October 2, Uniper SE, an international energy company will hold a round table discussion Small-scale LNG – new breakthrou...
14 September 2019
During the International Specialised Exhibition InGAS Stream 2019 – Innovations in the Gas Industry, the company will presen...
13 September 2019
On 1 to 4 October, as part of the 9th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, the company will show its key equipment and unveil i...
12 September 2019
On 2 October, a round table will be held “Hydrogen, a paradigm shift in the energy sector, the future?” Participant...
11 September 2019
The event will be invitation-only. The partner of the 9th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, ZAGORSK PIPE PLANT, will arra...
10 September 2019
On October 1 to 4 during The 7th International Specialised Exhibition InGAS Stream 2019 – Innovations in the gas indust...
10 September 2019
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SOGAZ Insurance Group was founded in 1993 and is the largest federal level insurer in Russia. The group provides more than 100 ins...

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