News – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum
3 July 2024
They’ve been holding this event since 2015. It is a place where the industrial experts and the rising generation meet to talk abou...
14 June 2024
Eye-to-eye meetings for representatives of corporate customers and suppliers of the oil and gas industry are scheduled for October...
14 May 2024
The program structure is based on 19 focus areas. As always, the convention agenda of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum ...
22 April 2024
The key event on the Convention program is scheduled for October 10, 2024. During the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2024...
11 April 2024
Have an event of your own scheduled right now! Following the tradition, the convention program of the Forum will comprise events ...
29 January 2024
Participants of the Forum will be able to enjoy rich convention, exhibition, and entertainment programs. Experts will attend the ...
9 January 2024
St. Petersburg International Gas Forum will be hosted by ExpoForum on October 8 through 11 (St. Petersburg). SPIGF is the key ven...
28 November 2023
The central topic of this year is “New Energy Reality”. This year, 32 best students from 10 countries (Russia, Algeria, Belarus, ...
10 November 2023
Forum news
Once again, the Russian oil and gas sector demonstrated to the entire world all its strengths, including sustainability, self-suff...

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