COVID-19 Prevention | St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


COVID-19 Prevention

In 2020, ExpoForum obtained a Safe Travels SPb QR code. Consistently, ExpoForum complies with every safety standard and in no time acts up to Rospotrebnadzor’s recommendations and requirements.

The company introduced must-have and state-of-the-art solutions to ensure compliance with safe activity standards:

  • The centre is equipped with advanced no-contact thermal imaging systems that are used to take temperature for visitors of ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, visitors that have fever will be denied access to the Centre premises;
  • The ventilation system was upgraded;
  • No-contact sanitizers are installed throughout the venue;
  • Convention halls are equipped with air recirculators.

The St. Petersburg International Gas Forum managers do their best to make the participants comfortable and safe in the course of the event.