Reviews of participants and guests | St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


Feedback from participants and guests
Анатолий Соловьев
Директор ГЦ РАН член-корреспондент РАН
Геофизический центр Российской академии наук

В рамках деловой программы Форума 8 октября 2024 г. Геофизическим центром Российской академии наук (ГЦ РАН) была организована тематическая сессия «Геолого-геофизические исследования для нефтегазовой и горной промышленности». Модератором сессии выступил директор ГЦ РАН член-корреспондент РАН А.А. Соловьёв. Спикерами сессии выступили представители академических институтов и ряда отраслевых компаний. Особым гостем мероприятия был министр промышленности и геологии Республики Саха (Якутия). В представленных докладах обсуждались примеры использования современных методов и технологий в области геологии, геофизики и геоинформатики в практике освоения месторождений полезных ископаемых. По итогам представленных докладов состоялось обсуждение некоторых перспектив развития отрасли, а также вопросов сотрудничества между институтами Российской академии наук и предприятиями реального сектора экономики. Техническое оснащение сессии и организация всего мероприятия в целом были на высшем уровне.

Олег Прекраснов
Председатель совета директоров, зам. ген. директора
ООО «Ленэкотрейд»

Все, как всегда! Великолепная организация, грамотные и инициативные сотрудники «Экспофорума». Наша компания в ходе Газового Форума просто в очередной раз убедилась в профессионализме организаторов. А это не просто успешные встречи с деловыми партнерами и новые перспективные контакты. Это и новые идеи, и даже возможные новые направления деятельности.

Вероника Киселева
Руководитель практики Комплаенс и деловая этика ООО «СИБУР», сопредседатель Совета по развитию комплаенса и деловой этики

Отличная организация на высоком уровне, как всегда насыщенная деловая программа, прекрасно организованный торжественный прием, впечатляющий выставочный павильон и площадки. Отдельное спасибо Сорокиной Елизавете – куратору от ПМГФ панельной дискуссии по комплаенсу за внимательность, оперативность и профессионализм. Получили много положительных отзывов от приглашенных участников мероприятия, с особым акцентом на то, что передовые практики, представленные модераторами и спикерами, достойны дальнейшего тиражирования и масштабирования как непосредственно среди работников различных компаний, так и на других площадках по обмену опытом. Надеемся на дальнейшее успешное эффективное взаимодействие в рамках Форума.

Chief Structural Engineer, EMIS

EMIS, a Russian manufacturer of instrumentation and control equipment, takes part in the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum every year. We are happy to be part of such a large-scale event, which has become the key occasion in the sector. At SPIGF 2023, they specially focused on import substitution, in particular, as regards to supply of instrumentation and control devices for the oil and gas industry. We’d like to express our gratitude for the top level of arrangements at the Forum and the extensive support with our exposition we have got. We believe that SPIGF is one of the key events that promote development of the companies engaged into the oil and gas sector, as well as introduction of the most recent initiatives associated with the state-of-the-art technologies.

Leonid Stern
President of the International Shukhov Foundation

Year after year, SPIGF is getting increasingly powerful. What a great team! This is the only Forum that holds regular events to study the historical background of the industry. This year, the International Shukhov Foundation had its 10th Anniversary History Research Seminar during the Forum. I wish the organizers of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum to be successful further on. Let’s proceed with our collaboration.

Organization team, Gazprom Transgaz Belarus

SPIGF 2023 has become a unique place to showcase technological and advanced capacities possessed by its participants, a great place for partners to meet and for potentials to unite. Taking part in the Forum offers unique and indispensable experience, unification of efforts, ideas, their implementation, and collaborative success with a look into the future. Being part of this large-scale event and working with the top-qualified organizing team offer a great inspiration for further collaborations in this project and other joint initiatives. We express our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to organization of the Forum and can’t wait to proceed.

Ivan Lebedev
CEO, Prompribor-R

We are grateful to SPIGF 2023 organizers for their top professionalism. We appreciate how quickly all the issues arising were solved and how much the organizers were willing to help.

Vladimir Paronkin
Science Editor, Scientific Journal of the Russian Gas Society

The SPIGF 2023 convention program was not only highly packed, but also interesting and insightful. Everything was organized perfectly, and all the services were streamlined. I’d like to thank the SPIGF team for their invaluable highly professional help with arrangements for the scientific-practical conferences that took place during the Forum.

Oleg Prekrasnov
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Deputy CEO

The Forum was great! Many thanks to the team of the ExpoForum who made all the arrangements for the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum! The result for our company that is of paramount importance is that we are going to master new business dimensions. ,

Nikolay Martynenko
Head of Development Department, GAZSNAB

On behalf of GAZSNAB, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers of the 12th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum for their support and effective communication at every stage of the exposition preparation. From start to finish, everything was arranged in such an accurate and speedy fashion, and the organizer’s team competence was seen in every detail. The St. Petersburg International Gas Forum has become the global venue to share experience and present innovations in the gas sector. The SPIGF 2023 agenda was highly packed, and the speeches were both meaningful and inspiring. Experts from different sectors of the gas industry presented unique researches that explained the current situation in the industry and shed some light on its future. GAZSNAB aims to enhance production efficiency and discover innovative solutions for the most complicated process tasks. Neither of these would be impossible unless the company participated in many global events of such scale. SPIGF is an essential event in the calendar of the gas industry, and we are looking forward to taking part in it next year.

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