The 24th International Sci-Tech Congress to run as part of SPIGF 2019 – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


25 September 2019
The 24th International Sci-Tech Congress to run as part of SPIGF 2019

The Congress will concentrate on the topic of practical implementation of the presented high-tech solutions, engineering designs and inventions aimed at the protection of the interests of citizens and environment. The event will present the social media project THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGIES.


The full members of the Academy, well-known scientists, representatives of leading Russian and foreign oil and gas companies, defense industry complex enterprises, telecommunications and IT companies, venture funds, technologists, financiers and energy professionals will take part in the Congress.


In the framework of the event, the participants, who will have presented the most promising future-oriented technologies and scientific breakthroughs in the field of practical implementation, will be awarded the National Technology Prize Peter The Great. All reports of the event participants will be published in the collection of scientific papers “New High Technologies”.


Organisers: International Academy of Technological Sciences and ExpoForum International



The International Academy of Technological Sciences is an international non-governmental association that aims to consolidate the efforts of scientists, engineers, technologists, representatives of businesses, state authorities and public agencies for the development of high-tech environmentally friendly non-emitting energy technologies.

At the present moment, the Academy has 197 full members, many of which are doctors of Technical, Chemical, Economics, Physics-and-Mathematics and Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, engineers, technologists, CEOs of such large enterprises as Gazprom, Oil Company Lukoil, Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defence Corporation and others.

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