XV International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline Forum – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


9 October 2018
XV International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline Forum
Forum news

On 4-5 October, 2018, XV International Conference on Northeast Asian Natural Gas and Pipeline Forum was held as part of the 8th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.

The organizer of the event, which brought together over 100 participants, was Media Miry, with Oillink — the media partner. The participants of the conference were welcomed by Lin Xiao, Vice-President of PetroChina, Alexey Mastepanov, President of ROSASIAGAS, Nobuo Tanaka, President of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development and Utilization Committee of Japan (NIDUC-J), Pavel Zavalny, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy of the Russian Federation, Juri Senturin, General Secretary of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), Lee Jong-Ho, President of Korea Pan-Asian Natural Gas.

The first plenary session of the Conference was devoted to the state and prospects of development of the natural gas market in the countries of Northeast Asia in the next five years. Reports were made by the Deputy Energy Minister of Russia Anatoly Yanovsky, Head of Gas Market Research Department at CNPC's Research Centre Shan Weigo, Research Fellow of the Institute of Economics of Korean Energy Industries, Pak Chin-Ho, Pavel Zavalny, Head of the Moscow office of the Japanese company JOGMEC Tosihiko Kurosu. The day ended with a concert, an excursion and a buffet at the State Hermitage Museum. This event was held in the framework of the joint program of cooperation in the field of culture of Gazprom and the Austrian company OMV.

On 5 October, at the second plenary session of the Conference, key issues of international cooperation on projects for the transportation and use of natural gas in Northeast Asia were discussed. The reports were made by Nobuo Tanaka, Head of the Contract Structuring and Pricing Directorate at Gazprom Export LLC Sergey Komlev, Senior Engineer of the Chinese Research Center for Natural Gas and Gas Pipeline Cooperation in Asia Liu Linley, Senior Researcher at KOGAZ Corporation, Hwang Kwang Soo, Vice-Chairman of the World Energy Council for Asia-Pacific and South Asia, Muraki Sigeru, Deputy Director of Melentyev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS Boris Saneev, Deputy Director for Innovative Development at Trofimuk Petroleum Geology and Geophysics Institute SB RAS Leontiy Eder.

The Conference program and discussion topics reflected current trends in the gas market in the Northeast Asia, such as the project to create a unified gas transmission system, gas deficit in Japan and the country's ambition of becoming a regional gas hub, a comparison of China with a gas King Kong and other issues. The Conference participants observed a high level of organization and congruous involvement of participants in other events of the convention and exposition program of SPIGF-2018.

A source:  http://neftegas.info/en/

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