Russia – Central Asia: Dialogue and Cooperation in the Gas Industry arranged during SPIGF 2023 – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


23 August 2023
Russia – Central Asia: Dialogue and Cooperation in the Gas Industry arranged during SPIGF 2023

The event is scheduled for October 31, 14.00-16.00 (MSK).

During the conference, the experts are going to discuss the following issues:
– technology support for the agreement about Russian natural gas transportation across the lands of Kazakhstan to users in Uzbekistan;
– collaborative projects by Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and other countries in Central Asia, as well as state support of such projects (in Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan);
– energy carriers supply routes – new reality in new times (logistic chains, gas transportation systems upgrade in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, new export routes);
– equipment for implementation of collaborative projects in the gas sector (in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan);
– Energy 4.0, the united system for the academic and educational domain;
– digital technologies and solutions for the gas sector (made in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan).

The organiser of the event is EnergoInnovatsiya Association of Innovative Energy Enterprises.

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