Constituent units of the Russian Federation will have an active part in SPIGF 2024 – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum


17 July 2024
Constituent units of the Russian Federation will have an active part in SPIGF 2024

Representatives of companies involved in the gas sector will come to the Forum from the Russian regions.

The St. Petersburg International Gas Forum is an efficient venue to enhance investment connections, boost the economic potential, and demonstrate the opportunities of the constituent units.

As part of SPIGF 2024 Exhibition program, top regional companies of Russia will present the most advanced projects and technologies currently used to support progress in the gas sector.

Companies from the Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, Penza Regions, the Perm Territory, and the Republic of Tatarstan have already confirmed they are coming. As before, they will take part in the Forum with their collaborative stands.

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