SPIGF will host individual negotiations between customers and suppliers in the oil and gas industry – St. Petersburg International Gas Forum

SPIGF will host individual negotiations between customers and suppliers in the oil and gas industry

29 July 2022
SPIGF will host individual negotiations between customers and suppliers in the oil and gas industry

Major participants of the oil and gas industry, including companies from the Gazprom Group and other industrialists, are holding their meetings with potential suppliers and vendors during SPIGF 2022.

This is what the Business Matchmaking Centre offers to customers –

  • it is your chance to start your collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers directly, without any agents, to agree on the most beneficial supply terms;
  • here you can check the quality of goods in person;
  • this is a place to get on track with the suppliers the Business Matchmaking Centre’s organisers find with due regard to your requirements.

This is what the Business Matchmaking Centre offers to supply companies:

  • you can take part in the major b2b negotiations of the oil and gas sector;
  • this is a place to obtain direct contacts of people engaged in making collaboration and procurement solutions;
  • it is your chance to be registered on the list of suppliers, contractors, and partners of the major Russian companies that use bid system or work without it, as well as to discover their needs for further collaboration;
  • in a day, you can propel your company to the next level and get access to additional markets.

For the 1st time ever, the Business Matchmaking Centre will host a conference – Presentation Day of the Oil and Gas Industrial Innovations.

To see the list of customers, get more details, and register as a supplier or a customer please click here.

Many companies attended the Business Matchmaking Centre during the 10th Anniversary St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, including Gazprom, Gazprom transgaz St. Petersburg, Gazpromtrubinvest, Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Barnaul, Gazprom mezhregiongaz Kaluga, Gazprom mezhregiongaz Yaroslavl, Gazprom mezhregiongaz Vologda, Gazprom invest, Gazpromenergoholding industrialniye aktivy, Gazpromneft, Gazpromneft avtomatizatsiya, Rosatom, Lukoil, Power Machines, Salavat Catalys Plant, and Vyborg Shipyard.



Supplier management

Yulia Gorchueva

Phone: +7 (812) 240 40 40, add. 2148

Mobile: +7 (921) 334 08 32



Buyer management

Natalia Erofeeva

Phone: +7 (812) 240 40 40, add. 2126

Mobile: +7 (921) 382 01 36


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