ServiceSoft LLC
Russian Federation,
Sheglovskaya Zaseka str
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“ServiceSoft” is one of the lead company to design and produce telemetry, telematic and automation equipment more than 18 years. In addition to equipment there was developed own software and “Telemetry monitore” SCADA-system. Our corporate business line includes equipment design, development, and manufacturing with building and installation works. ServiceSoft uses electrical laboratory and has accreditation for instrument calibration service. Also, we organize stuff training for correct works with our equipment and provides service works for all delivered equipment. There are more than 10 000 developed and succesfully adopted hardware and software telemetry complexes on gas distribution objects of Gazprom PAO in Russian Federation. All products has certificates of conformity from Rostechnadzor, Gazsert, Intergazsert and self-regulated organizations.